The LE Emer is the Irish naval ship for which I am named, as both my father and grandfather were captains in the Irish Merchant navy. Emer is a name from Irish mythology, as she was the wife of Cuchulainn who was the hero of Ulster. Emer also means 'swift'.
It's wildly suitable in every sense, as I adore traveling, and being inspired by new cultures, languages and experiences. The photo above is of the most intense rainbow at sea, taken at 3:00am in the Arctic Circle.
I have lived and worked in Ireland, Israel, Japan, Great Britain, and the USA, and my international experiences have provided so much in terms of my own approach to creativity, empathy, and the skills I have learned and have yet to learn.
Portfolio in a Storm is an ode to my seafaring roots as although there have been storms throughout the course of my life, there have also been many many ports.
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